Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Books from TLA Conference....

Here are the first of a few of the reviews I will do for books that I picked up at TLA in April.

This was a free book given away from the Follett booth and signed by Richard Peck. At first I had considered giving it away to a student but I didn't think a 5th grade boy would want to read a book about girls.

Kerry has always been the invisible girl that no one notices until she starts hanging out with the three most popular girls in school. Kerry thinks life is great once she joins the "in" crowd but soon discovers she may have to give up everything in order to stay a part of their group.

The story has great pacing and is a "ghost story" that is more current with the times. An enjoyable read that would work great in a middle or high school library.

I will be keeping my copy and not placing it in my school library since I am in a PK-3rd grade school.

This book also had me pick up some of Richard Peck's other books. I am currently listening to Here Lies the Librarian. I thought it was appropriate when I didn't have a job for next year but now I am enjoying it while knowing I DO have a job for next year!!

This was a book that I picked up at TLA for $5 in hardback. It was one of the few that I payed for mostly because I was aiming to get as much "free" stuff as I could during the trip.

Cassia lives in a world in which all her choices have been taken care of for her by the officials of her society. She has always trusted those choices until her Matching screen doesn't show the face she expects to see. Cassia is challenged to make a choice between her best friend as her match or going against everything she knows to be with Ky, the boy she discovers she loves.

This book was AWESOME!!! I am so excited and don't know if I can wait all the way to November for the next in the series. 

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